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Brand Marlboro Cigarettes

Marlboro Touch Marlboro Touch
0.5 mg
6 mg
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Price: EUR58.88

3 cartons minimum

Marlboro Red Marlboro Red
0.5 mg
7 mg
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Price: EUR59.80

3 cartons minimum

Marlboro Accent Marlboro Accent
0.4 mg
4 mg
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Price: EUR24.10

sold out

Marlboro Blue Fresh Menthol Marlboro Blue Fresh Menthol
0.6 mg
7 mg
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Price: EUR24.10

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Marlboro Blue Ice Menthol Marlboro Blue Ice Menthol
0.5 mg
7 mg
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Price: EUR24.29

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Marlboro Gold Prime Edge 100s Marlboro Gold Prime Edge 100s
0.3 mg
4 mg
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Price: EUR26.04

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Marlboro Touch(dark-blue) Marlboro Touch(dark-blue)
0.5 mg
6 mg
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Price: EUR26.13

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Marlboro Touch(light-blue) Marlboro Touch(light-blue)
0.4 mg
4 mg
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Price: EUR26.13

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Marlboro Flavor Plus Marlboro Flavor Plus
0.2 mg
3 mg
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Price: EUR29.72

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Marlboro Filter Plus One Marlboro Filter Plus One
0.1 mg
1 mg
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Price: EUR29.90

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Marlboro Filter Plus Marlboro Filter Plus
0.5 mg
6 mg
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Price: EUR41.12

sold out


Marlboro Cigarettes

Marlboro Cigarettes – a mild and warm smoking

Marlboro cigarettes are the world famous brand of cigarettes that received popularity in 1924. Philip Morris is involved in the production of the company.

Firstly, Marlboro cigarettes were regarded as the special cigarettes for female smokers because they had a red stripe on the filter that hid traces of lipstick. Mae West Hollywood celebrity was chosen to participate in the advertising company, and the slogan was the phrase «Mild as May», which meant that smoking of these cigarettes was mild and warm.

In the 1950s there occurred scientific studies proving the link between smoking and lung cancer. The company Philip Morris decided to refocus the Marlboro brand on the men who cared about their health. It was started an active advertising campaign, stating that filter cigarettes are much safer than normal ones. To combat the stereotype that it is a cigarette for women, there were used manly images, such as the captain, weightlifters, war correspondents and workers in advertising.

But the greatest success was enjoyed by the image of a cowboy, the so-called "Marlboro Man". Since 1963 there was used the theme from the movie "The Magnificent Seven” in television commercials. Further, in the course of the re-branding, Marlboro cigarettes have become oriented on male smokers. There was carried out the most successful and memorable advertising campaign «Tattooed Man» by the marketer Leo Burnett, the person who became the famous cowboy of Marlboro.

The support of motor sport, in particular, of the Ferrari team was also an important contribution to the popularity of Marlboro brand. The pack design has also been changed. There was introduced a pack, the lid of which was hinged, made of hard cardboard, which depicted how a white arrow rests on the red background.

You can find seven kinds of Marlboro cigarettes:

Marlboro Filters are packed into blocks, each of which has 10 packs of cigarettes. Each pack contains twenty filtered cigarettes. Each cigarette contains 0,8mg of nicotine and 10 mg tar.

Marlboro Lights are the cigarettes with 0.5 mg of nicotine and 6 mg of tar.

Marlboro Fresh Mint are packed in blocks of 10 packs, each of which has 20 filter cigarettes. Each cigarette contains 0.5mg of nicotine and 6mg of tar.

Marlboro Filter Plus is the lightest type of Marlboro, with a nicotine content of 0.2% and tar - 3mg.

Marlboro Medium is packed in blocks of 10 packs. In each pack there are 20 filter cigarettes. One cigarette contains 8 mg of tar and 0.6 mg of nicotine.

Marlboro Crisp Mint cigarettes are packed in blocks of 10 packs, each containing 20 cigarettes. Each cigarette contains 0.5mg of nicotine and 6mg of tar.

Marlboro Ultra Lights are light cigarettes containing 0.4 mg of nicotine and 4mg of tar.