Brand Vogue Cigarettes
Vogue Cigarettes –simple and elegant taste
Vogue cigarettes are the most famous branded women's cigarettes that appeared in 1932 in the market.
After passing through time, Vogue cigarettes are still loved by ladies. For smokers, they are a fashionable and stylish accessory, emphasizing its elegance, sophistication, independence and self-confidence.
This cigarettes brand attracts the female consumers not only with the quality of tobacco, but also with a fashionable modern design. Vogue cigarettes have always been feminine, so the design and taste exactly meet the needs of women. Unlike the men' cigarettes, distinguished by strong tart taste and rough design, Vogue cigarettes are packaged in an elegant and fragile packaging, and their taste is simple and elegant. They just could not keep from being liked by the beautiful half of humanity.
Vogue Superslims Menthol and Vogue Superslims originally appeared in German in 1987. In some countries, they were presented only in 1989, and became the first cigarettes in Superslims format.
After the rebranding processes have been carried out, Vogue cigarettes are still the most popular brand of female cigarettes. Manufacturers of British American Tobacco pleasantly surprised their female consumers, having launched Vogue Arome into the market that combines different flavors, applied to tobacco and making cigarette smoke smell more pleasant for ladies.
The pack design is made with the image of a flowing silk. In 2008, manufacturers have released Vogue Ephemer. The design of their packaging was elaborated by French designer Jean-Pierre Ollier. Despite the fact that the outlook of Vogue cigarettes changed to a more modern one during their story, quality and taste remain the same. Currently, the line of Vogue cigarettes is represented by such varieties like: Vogue Superslims Bleue, Vogue Superslims Lilas, Vogue Superslims Menthe, Vogue Arome Diner en ville, Vogue Arome Balade au parc and Vogue Arome Terrasse au soleil, Vogue Noire and Vogue Blanche.
Advertising slogans:
In the rhythm of Vogue ...
Vogue moment - and an evening city in a veil of aromatic promises
Listening to the flavor
Radiance of aroma
Impulse of aroma