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Brand Sovereign Cigarettes

Sovereign Blue (Lights) Sovereign Blue (Lights)
0.7 mg
8 mg
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Price: EUR57.96

3 cartons minimum


Sovereign Cigarettes

Sovereign cigarettes fulfill the tastes of various smokers

In the event that you are scanning for the outright opportunity of decision and self-articulation then you can view yourself as a supporter of free ideas and independency. Gallaher Group has created another tobacco item called Sovereig. This thing is expected for such flexibility cherishing cigarettes smokers.

Gallaher Group is a noteworthy tobacco venture that has involved its driving position with its smoking merchandise in more than 80 nations. On the off chance that you have ever felt the essence of such cigarettes marks as Benson and Hedges, Hamlet, LD, Mayfair, Memphis, Old Holborn, Ronson, Silk Cut, Sobranie and, obviously, Sovereign, at that point you have the thought of high caliber of its items. Sovereign cigarettes are sold in a substantial range that fulfills the tastes of various smokers. This brand is accessible in the accompanying assortments: Sovereign Lights, Sovereign Slims, Sovereign Slims Lights and Sovereign Slims Ultra.